ECO – Data Acquisition System
The 3S EnvironmentalCheckerOutdoor (ECO) is a versatile sensor platform that was primarily developed for the use in complex application scenarios for monitoring ambient air. Temperature spectroscopic analysis of gas mixtures – the 3S core competency – is modularly complemented by a variety of specific sensor principles to achieve a comprehensive picture of the situation. This modularity makes the ECO a universal multi gas detection system for all possible applications of continuous measurement:
- Air quality monitoring at emission and impact site
- Monitoring of biogenic emissions, for example in animal husbandry and plant breeding
- Monitoring of fermentation processes
- Monitoring of chemical production processes
- Effectiveness control of gas cleaning systems
- and more
The multi gas sensor system ECO can be parameterized flexibly and is perfectly suited for continuous monitoring of all kinds of processes or environmental situations.
Due to its rugged design and its flexible energy management (mains operation, battery operation, vehicle electrical system), the ECO is especially suited for the use in outdoor areas and harsh environments.
For use in other application environments, a compact, portable plastic housing is available.
The system features several measuring channels for sampling and can be equipped with various sensors or sensor principles. Extension modules allow for electrical connection of actuators and input devices.
The data are aggregated in a flexible format that can be easily analyzed (HDF5), transferred to a backend server via mobile communication, WLAN, or ethernet, and can be processed appropriately afterwards. Local data storage in .h5 format on a USB stick is also possible.
Wolfhard Reimringer
Product Management Air Quality
Dr. Caroline Schultealbert
Product Management IAQ
Scientific Papers
W. Reimringer, T. Conrad, A. Schütze. „Feldversuche zur rückführbaren Validierung instrumenteller Geruchsmesssysteme“, 9. VDI-Fachtagung Gerüche in der Umwelt 2021, VDI-Berichte 2383, Wiesbaden, Germany, 24.-25.11.2021, S. 149-158, ISSN 0083-5560, ISBN 978-3-18-092383-3
W. Reimringer, J. Joppich, M. Leidinger, T. Conrad, B. Mannebeck, C. Mannebeck, A. Schütze. “Field Test Evaluation of Instrumental Odour Monitoring System with a Novel In-Situ Calibration Approach”, 9th IWA Odour & VOC/Air Emission Conference, Bilbao, Spain, 26.-27.10.2021
W. Reimringer, T. Conrad, A. Schütze. „Citizens Network as Reference for Odor Impact Sensors – a Case Study”, Proc. ISOEN 2017 – The International Symposium on Olfaction and Electronic Nose, Montreal, Canada, May 28-31, 2017, Proceedings page 179-181
W. Reimringer, J. Howes, T. Conrad. “Implementation of Complex Gas Sensor Systems: Ideas for a Structural Model”, Sixth Scientific Meeting EuNetAir, 2016-10-05 – 2016-10-07, Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic 10.5162/6EuNetAir2016/09
C. Borrego, A.M. Costa, J. Ginja, M. Amorim, M. Coutinho, K. Karatzas, Th. Sioumis, N. Katsifarakis, K. Konstantinidis, S. De Vito, E. Esposito, P. Smith, N. André, P. Gérard, L.A. Francis, N. Castell, P. Schneider, M. Viana, M.C. Minguillón, W. Reimringer, R.P. Otjes, O. von Sicard, R. Pohle, B. Elen,D. Suriano, V. Pfister, M. Prato, S. Dipinto, M. Penza. “Assessment of air quality microsensors versus reference methods: The EuNetAir joint exercise”, Atmospheric Environment, Volume 147, December 2016, Pages 246-263, ISSN 1352-2310, 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2016.09.050.
W. Reimringer, T. Conrad, A. Schütze. „Erfassung und Quantifizierung von Geruchsemissionen durch Kombination hochempfindlicher Sensorsysteme mit einem Geruchsnetzwerk“, 18. GMA/ITG-Fachtagung Sensoren und Messsysteme 2016, Nürnberg, 10./11. Mai 2016, Tagungsband, AMA Service GmbH, 2016, 978-3-9816876-0-6
W. Reimringer, T. Conrad. „Geruchsbelastung im Warndt”. Ministerium für Umwelt und Verbraucherschutz des Saarlandes, 21.10.2015
W. Reimringer, T. Rachel, T. Conrad, A. Schütze. „Outdoor Odor Nuisance Monitoring by Combining Advanced Sensor System and a Citizens Network”. ISOEN 2015 – 16th International Symposium on Olfaction and Electronic Nose, Dijon, France, 2015
W. Reimringer, T. Rachel, T. Conrad, A. Schütze. “MOX Sensor Platform in Outdoor Odor Nuisance Monitoring”. AMA-Science Proceedings pp. 43-46. 10.5162/4EuNetAir2015/12, 3. Juni 2015
W. Reimringer, T. Rachel. “A versatile outdoor platform for MOX field tests”. Presentation at COST Action TD1105 “EuNetAir” International Meeting on New Sensing Technologies and Modelling for Air-Pollution Monitoring, 15. October 2014