OCS – Data Acquisition System
The 3S OdorCheckerSpot (OCS) is a versatile device platform that was originally developed for leak testing and odor assessment of products, components, and materials in industrial environment. Thus, the platform is well-suited for automated detection of gas emissions (e.g., pollutants or odors) of a wide range of samples and can be used for example in the following scenarios:

- Detection and tracing of gas emissions out of biological or chemical samples
- Comparison of odor intensities of similarly composed samples and components
- Inspection of samples and materials for zero odor or zero emissions
- Tracing of food ageing processes based on gas emissions
- Leak testing of components pre-filled with gases or fluids
- and many more
The multi gas sensor system OCS uses different types of metal oxide gas sensors in temperature cycled operation, thus significantly improving the sensitivity and selectivity of the sensors. The sensors are very broadband sensors, i.e., they respond to a variety of gases, including hydrogen. The complete gas emission produced by the sample is detected integrally. As a result of the temperature cycled operation, temperature-depending gas reactions and dynamic effects due to temperature changes can be used for increasing the information content.
In addition, temperature, humidity, and pressure of the sample gas are measured.
In the measurement phase, the sample is put into an external testchamber, which can be adapted to the dimensions of the sample depending on the application. A standard glass test chamber for small samples is available.
By means of integrated fluidics, the OCS controls the complete measurement process, consisting of:
• Flushing of the test chamber with synthetic air or zero air to remove ambient air from the test chamber
• Accumulation phase for increasing the measured concentrations
• Transport of the test chamber atmosphere to the sensor and detection of the gas mixture
• Post flushing to clean the equipment of sample emissions

Via the large touch display, the user can parameterize the process and thus optimize it for the application. The user can start measurements either directly at the device via touch screen or via an external trigger signal.
The raw data of all sensors are synchronized and stored in a HDF5 file per measurement on an USB stick or can be copied from the device via ethernet connection.
As carrier gas, clean and dry air is necessary, e.g., synthetic air out of gas cylinders or zero air out of a zero-air generator.

Dr. Caroline Schultealbert
Application Development
Dr. Martin Leidinger
Application Development
Scientific papers
Monitoring Food Aging in a Refrigerator with GC/MS and Gas Sensor Systems
DOI: 10.5162/SMSI2021/B3.3
Smart gas sensor systems can help to reduce food waste
DOI: 10.5162/SMSI2020/P1.3